Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Life... [a piece of my journal]
I want to SQUEEZE out as much life as I can from this time. I want to breathe deep, love people passionately, take crazy adventures, embrace risk, do one of a kind things that I've never done and will never do again, fall in love with Jesus and with a great guy, enjoy life and beauty, spend myself on behalf of the needy, get rid of guilt, run, drink coffee, deepen friendships to the point of complete confidence, be spontaneous, do what I love to do everyday, take lots of pictures, not be so serious, be with life-giving people, forgive even though it is so unnatural, live in confidence, meet new people, mentor younger girls, learn from older women, read good books, sleep enough but not too much, go to Africa, grow my hair long, listen to great music, go to the beach, LIVE...
Monday, November 30, 2009
A D V E N T U R E . . .
and I'm not really sure why.
Lately, I have been longing for adventure, particularly a big traveling excursion to Prague or Ireland or England or Ethiopia or California or Hawaii or Costa Rica or Switzerland or Italy or Mexico or anywhere...
There's something about new adventures that exhilirate me, invigorate me, simplify my life, re-focus my eyes on the Creator of adventure, and give me a time-out from life.
Maybe it has something to do with getting a new camera. And feeling overwhelmed with school. And cold, gray Michigan weather. And watching The Amazing Race.
Hmm...that's all.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
1. a warm, sunny November day
2. sitting at the Sparrows with my roommate
3. loving the city I live in
4. deep, lifelong friends
5. the end of the semester is in sight
6. hope
7. excitement for the future (student teaching, my best friend's upcoming wedding, my new adopted brother and sister coming home soon, upcoming trips, Christmas)
8. sweet memories
9. a coconut latte
10. sleeping in
11. my Honda
12. my family
13. creativity and inspiration
14. my job of babysitting six amazing kiddos
15. free clothes and warm boots
16. community
17. walking to breakfast in Eastown with friends
18. friends from all over the world
19. beauty all around me
20. grace
21. random Chicago trip tomorrow
22. good books
23. kids
24. Sleeping at Last and Over the Rhine music during homework
25. God's relentless love
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"For I was hungry, while you had all you needed. I was thirsty, but you drank bottled water. I was a stranger, and you wanted me deported. I needed clothes, but you needed more clothes. I was sick, and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness. I was in prison, and you said I was getting what I deserved..."
Sadly, I am guilty too. My life does not usually match up to Matthew 25:31-46
However, another thing I have been learning is that I must believe in God more than I believe in a cause. When my life is daily being transformed by the resurrection power of Jesus, I will have that power and strength to imitate God in this world.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This has been such a common lesson in my life in the last few weeks. I have had a really difficult time desiring God and making time for him in my busy schedule (so clichĂ©, I know) but it has been an ongoing internal battle for me. I want to know God, but it doesn’t come naturally and it is hard. Therefore, I give up easily.
But, thankfully, God doesn’t give up on me. Even when I feel like a failure, he comes through for me and teaches me something incredible. Even when I don’t give him the time he deserves, he still speaks to me. Especially when I feel like I don’t even deserve it.
Yesterday as I was sitting down, listening to two of my babysitting kids laughing and playing, I started thinking about what God might be teaching me right now. I was feeling discouraged, alone, and desperate and in turn, frustrated with God because he didn’t seem to be helping me out of this. My unfulfilled desires seemed more vivid and discouraging than normal and they seemed to compile on each other. And, I often feel so filled with desires and big dreams that I don’t know how my mind contains all of them! I want to make a difference in the world, I want to know God fully and deeply, I want to experience joy and beauty, I want to know and experience deep love, I want to travel and explore and have huge adventures, I want to let people know however I can that God loves them, I want to soak up as much life as possible, I want to enjoy the outdoors, I want to have time to rest and enjoy the presence of God, I want to hear His voice etc…and lately, all of these wants seem…unfulfilled.
I didn’t realize it until yesterday though…it seemed as though God said, “Kate, I have to get you to the end of yourself, so that you realize that all desires are fulfilled in me.” He isn’t being cruel or heartless or disconnected. He loves me so much that he will let these desires be frustrated so that I run to him with all that I have. Its hard to even describe all of this and I am in the middle of learning it, but thank you, Jesus, for being the fulfillment of all my deepest desires.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I keep thinking back to my time in England...a leisurely breakfast with friends, class from 9-11, maybe community groups, and then reading in the garden, walking into town, exploring the cathedral, having coffee with Rachel, and concluding the night with a movie or a fun card game with our international friends. My life was so full, but so simple. So beautiful. So therapeutic. So healing.
"One thing I ask of the Lord; this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Latest Update!
...and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Car Wash, Anyone?

We are currently finishing the paperwork and are hoping and praying that we can pick up the kids in the fall. We would love to unite together in this simple way to bring Trey and Tessa home!

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
random thoughts...
i really need to go to the dominican republic. sometimes i think its a form of escapism from normal life, but at the same time, i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. people handle life/frustrations/deep thinking/ in different ways. for me, i need to experience a new culture. it has been so therapeutic in the past. taking a break from life, stepping out of the current situation and re-evaluating life from a distance. there is something glorious about that. God has used the time in England, Romania, Mexico, Israel, etc. to do this very thing and reveal new things to me. i can't wait.
i have no idea what God is doing with me. i am realizing he has given me passions for various things...spanish, kids, traveling, love, adoption, the outdoors, teaching, and people. but, God, now what?
i love my job.
i am more blessed than i ever realize. i am always so busy thinking of things to be discontent about. Jesus, overwhelm me with contentment because you are so good. and you give good gifts.
i really want to just enjoy life, celebrate every moment, and embrace joy, but i think too much! God, you are in control of my mind. help me LIVE FULLY!
i miss my sister. terribly. and my closest friends. i wish i was at camp with them.
i went a really beautiful, laid-back wedding on the beach yesterday.
captivating by stasi eldredge is a powerful book. it has helped me work through various thoughts and questions..."we can't put words to it, but down deep we fear there is something terribly wrong with us. if we were the princess, then our prince would have come. if we were the daughter of the king, he would have fought for us."
surrender is daily. one day i feel like i'm kinda getting the idea, and the next day, i am discouraged and feel like i am starting all over again. why is life like this?
why exactly does God give us desires when they will not be fulfilled yet?
and this is what i long my life to be like: "God wants us to bring to bear the weight of our lives and all that he has given to us, worked into us, and offer it to our world. to entice, allure, and invite others to Jesus by reflecting his glory in our lives."
i want to live the best i can, love people as much as i can, and be like Jesus. but, i fall short. and sometimes i don't exactly know what that would look like in my everyday life.
i am a sinful person, but i am LOVED by an incredibly gracious and loving and personal and intimate God. i want that to blow me away every day.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
cold tangerines.

Monday, May 4, 2009
God loves the orphans...
1. that God would provide the required $30,000!
2. that trey and tessa would be safe and healthy
3. that God would send special people to take care of trey and tessa right now
4. that my parents would have the patience to fill out all the paperwork
God's heart is with the orphans and as his people, we want to show His love to those around us. its pretty insane, but God doesn't really do normal things...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i needed this today...
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is strong."
-Jon Foreman
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
missional living.
here's the handout. let's make a difference in the world. let's represent Jesus in everyday life.
missional living = living simply and giving extravagantly
1. pray and fast for the 2 billion people who live on less than a dollar a day
2. as a small group, sponsor a child through Compassion International for $32/month – if there are eight people in your small group, it would cost each person $4 a month…almost the same price as one coffee from Starbucks (www.compassion.com)
3. encourage your family to adopt a kid :) (www.bethany.org) – or you can donate to the Warners’ adoption fund to bring Trey and Tessa home! (http://godlovesethiopia.blogspot.com)
4. give a random compliment to a stranger. it is the best way to start a conversation.
5. rather than buy a birthday present at the mall, buy something from the Bright Hope International online store which pays fair price for goods to artisans in other countries (www.brighthope.org)
6. start a garden (tomatoes, green beans, etc.) and give the food away
7. pray at the abortion clinic
8. at Christmas time, make and send an “Operation Christmas Child” shoebox to needy children (http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/occ/) or send a care package to missionaries or other people to encourage them
9. as a small group, look in the church bulletin for addresses of sick or shut-in people and send them a card or bring them a meal.
10. read Red Letters by Tom Davis –a book about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa and about how to make a difference in your everyday life
11. walk around downtown and pay for the meters that are expired. leave a little note as you go.
12. bake cookies for someone simply to encourage.
13. leave an extra big tip and a personal note for your server at a restaurant.
14. save your spare change in a container to give away. consider putting aside a certain percentage of whatever your income is.
15. as a small group, watch the video Invisible Children to learn about what is currently happening with child soldiers in Uganda or look up their website to learn more (www.invisiblechildren.com)
16. pray in the shower, on your drive to school, etc. because “its about an imperfect, finite creature crying out for the aid of an infinite, powerful God who wants to restore this world.”
17. write a letter to a leader of a Christian organization simply to encourage him or her. (you can look up organizations like Pregnancy Resource Center, LIFE International, Bright Hope International, International Teams, Operation Mobilization, Youth With a Mission, Children’s HopeChest, etc.)
18. go to a local thrift store and drop $1 bills in random pockets of clothing being sold.
19. as a small group, have a prayer walk around your school or grand rapids.
20. go to a nursing home. visit the people, tell stories, read the Bible together, or play board games.
21. head down to Mel Trotter Ministries or DeGagé, helping in any way that they need (www.meltrotter.org and www.degageministries.org/)
22. buy only used clothing for a certain amount of time (a month? a year?)
23. buy a t-shirt that gives some of the proceeds to help people around the world with clean drinking water, mosquito nets, etc. (http://weareoverlooked.com)
24. become a pen-pal with someone in prison or in a different country or with a soldier (www.adoptaplatoon.org)
25. start a miniature food pantry in your house (every time you or your family members or small group members go to the store, but one extra canned good). after collecting a significant amount of cans, bring them to the church food pantry, a needy family, or a local organization.
26. donate your gently used shoes to people who may not have any or raise money to help this effort (www.soles4souls.org)
27. check out this cool idea called LifeStraw that brings clean drinking water to developing nations (http://www.vestergaard-frandsen.com/lifestraw.htm)
28. with a friend or by yourself, offer to babysit for free for a family going through a difficult time or for a single mother.
29. become aware and learn more by looking up some of these websites…
Bright Hope International: www.brighthope.org
Compassion International: www.compassion.com
World Vision: www.worldvision.org
International Aid: www.internationalaid.org
Childrens’ Hope Chest: www.hopechest.org
Healing Waters International: www.healingwatersintl.org
International Justice Mission: www.ijm.org
ONE: www.one.org
The Micah Challenge: www.themicahchallenge.org
30. go on a missions trip
Operation Mobilization: http://www.om.org/short-term-opportunities/
Adventures in Missions: www.adventures.org
International Teams: http://www.iteams.org/go/
Youth with a Mission: www.ywam.org
Proverbs 31:8-9 (from the Message)
What I'm interested in seeing you do is:
Isaiah 58:7-9 (from the Message)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
i left my heart in san francisco...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
the mystery of summer plans...
so, for this summer of 2009 i am considering some of the following options.
1. running the river bank run (that means i need to kick it into gear with my training schedule!)
2. watching a family with 6 kids (i'm planning on this...and i love it)
3. going to california with them (i'm also planning on this in june)
4. moving into a new house with some great people (i'm hoping this will happen too)
5. a coldplay concert in detroit
6. training for the chicago marathon (the thought terrifies and excites me)
7. some weekends at upbc
8. counseling at upbc for a week or two
9. going to arkansas to see my incredible, lovely southern friend rachel (oh, how i would LOVE this)
10. traveling to the dominican republic with katie (tickets are the same price as flying to little rock!)
11. going to some weddings of dear friends
12. somehow going to mexico with kellie
13. a random roadtrip
14. getting my new siblings in ethiopia? (unfortunately, this is looking like it won't happen until fall)
15. taking a summer class (this does not sound very appealing. at all. i don't think i'll do this.)
16. reading a lot of good books that i haven't had time to read during the school year
any other ideas?
and as i consider all these good ideas and wonder where God is leading and being concerned about money and asking Him how He will provide, let me finish off with this quote...
We say things like, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'... Then we live and plan like we don't believe God even exists. We try to set our lives up so everything will be fine even if God doesn't come through. But true faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God's fidelity to His promises." -- Francis Chan, "Crazy Love"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i love...
the deep love of Jesus.