Saturday, July 18, 2009

Car Wash, Anyone?

Mark your calendars...

We are hoping to have a CAR WASH for TREY AND TESSA (my future adopted siblings from Ethiopia) on September 19, 2009. This is just a small way that we can come together and make a difference in the world by making a difference in the lives of two little kids. If you want to help or if you just want a clean car, come!
We are currently finishing the paperwork and are hoping and praying that we can pick up the kids in the fall. We would love to unite together in this simple way to bring Trey and Tessa home!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

what a week...

wow. the dominican republic is quite a place. i'm still processing the entire trip, but overall it was eye-opening. spontaneous. thought-provoking. exciting. adventurous. frustrating. amazing. awesome. and i sure hope to go back someday...